Sunday, July 11, 2010

Starting a Club for CEE graduate students

Hello all (old and new CEE grad students)!
Welcome to the TTU CEE Grad Club blog. This blog forum has been created this Fall 2010 for students, to give them a sense of community and closeness not just among their cohorts but also with the department and faculty.

As we begin our first official CEE6910 CEE Graduate Seminar Series this Fall 2010, the Graduate Club and its blog will hopefully play a useful role for both current, incoming and prospective students to our graduate program. Almost a year ago, the idea of a graduate club was floated as a forum for discussions and planning fun social events with faculty. Now, with CEE6910 being mandatory for all grad students at least once in their plan of study, is a good time to push this idea of a graduate club and the blog to reality.

The administration of this blog and the email will soon be passed on to a senior graduate student when the seminar series begins in early Fall as soon as a 'Club President' is decided. That way, this blog and Club will be managed/moderated entirely by students.

The idea behind this blog is to encourage students to post their ideas, problems, questions and practically *anything* under the sun (subject to netiquette) that students may want to pursue or have a feedback on. In particular, this blog should be a place to help each other. Through this, I hope there will be greater interaction among graduate students and feel as a member of the graduate community. Students will hopefully get to know what the other(s) is(are) doing in their respective field of study rather than being a 'silo' or a disconnected entity. With that idea of what the other is doing, perhaps, students can help each other and prevent the reinvention of the wheel.

For example, a first year student may want to know what a 'plan of study' is, or 'how to form a committee?' or 'how to impress a faculty advisor as a graduate research assistant?' or 'how to learn more about plagiarism and its correction?' or 'what is a good book for shell programming?' A prospective student may find useful information in a past blog on the typical climate of Cookeville and average living expense. An international student may pose questions on getting a ride from or to the airport.

Many good ideas start with a lot of excitement, but progress and end with a whimper. I wouldn't want this 'Club' and blog idea to suffer a similar fate. Rather, to be realistic, I think it is better to keep activities of the Blog and Club to a level that is 'sustainable' or manageable within the time constraints.

As the Graduate Affairs Chair, I would however have one request for the Club. At least once a year (if not every semester), I would like to see the Club organize a faculty-student social event to get to know the breadth of student and faculty alike. I believe it is important for us faculty to know our graduate students (beyond those we advise or serve on committees) and vice versa. Similarly, at least once a semester (or may be a few times a semester) there should be some sort of a 'feature article' or an Op-Ed posted by a student on an interesting topic (why don't you start with 'The Top 10 Eccentric Traits of Dr. Hossain'?). Poke fun at faculty (albeit in a harmless and respectful way)!

Remember folks - this Graduate Club and Blog are for YOU, yes YOU - our students. We have a graduate program in CEE for YOU so that YOU get the best possible and quality advanced education and research experience that the department and University can give you. So it is my hope that as a student body, you will all use this 'Clubbing' opportunity well to serve your needs (knowledge, advice, seeking jobs, long-term career-planning, developing rapport, etc.).

Have fun folks!

Faisal Hossain
Graduate Affairs Chair
PH 332
931 372 3257 (email is preferred:

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